Sunday, November 18, 2007


It's evil. It's bad. It definitely is not my friend.

Boo. Hiss.

Just as I was writing on this post I searched for CD/DVD burning software that is free for me to install on my machine when I basically didn't need to at the moment.

How does one fix this?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

More boredom

Go to, it's good.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Monday, May 28, 2007

If cats could talk

Well, when I'm bored, I put ROFLBOT and Google Images together. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Awkward Keyboard Moment Of The Week

More like incredibly yuck keyboard ever!

I was at the Knox building for work when I came across this ancient piece of technology. Perhaps the person that was using this was so ancient that they somehow passed away on this keyboard and their decaying remains made a mark that can never be removed...


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Fly away

Argh. I really, REALLY don't like flying. I don't even understand how people can fly to places like the USA and Europe. Those places on the planet are more than 15 hours away from Australia. Manila is only 7-8 hours away and I'm hopeless at NOT getting dizzy on a plane.

Anyway here's the plane to blame.

I thought I could make it the whole way without feeling like my head was going to implode while my stomach was going to explode, but in the last 2 hours of the trip I started to lose it.

I'll post more images as they come, but the pre-broadband speeds here are beginning to irritate me!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

3 bars

Is 3 bars of reception on a Samsung phone really that bad? Since I've moved up to my desk on level 7 again, I just realised what a black hole it is for phone reception. I walk 1 metre to find myself frustrated, and walk another metre back the other way to find that it's fine!

But perhaps it's because I have a new phone. It's nice and sleek, but the fab feature of the phone is its 3 megapixel camera that actually isn't too bad... I've been playing around with it during the past week, and this is what I've been able to come up with (after some very simple touch ups on Picasa2 of course...)

Silhouette of Cow Up a Tree.

The East face of the NAB docklands building.

Melbourne Central Shot Tower and Cone Roof.


Docklands Morning

It's always nice when the morning sun illuminates the boats in the bay, and the water is so still that the reflects coming off them are perfect.

A man fishes, while facing the Bolte bridge.

The marina at New Quay

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

That's gold Jerry, gold!

So, I entered a caption competition at work. The projects newsletter caption competition. And guess what... I won!

Here's the winning entry:
"Who do you think you are, telling me that my program runs like a dog..."

And for my efforts, I get 2 gold class tickets to watch a movie. Isn't that just great!?

Also if you don't get the funny part of the caption, I'll be happy to explain it.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Search somewhere else

So I've got these MapStats statistics for this blog right. It lets me see the visits for only the past week. I was having a browse over them to find that this blog comes up on some search engine when someone searches the words "Dirty World"!!!

Totally weird! I know the post it relates to is "The Dirty World of Jash" which is about me CLEANING MY ROOM! CLEANING!

It gives me a strange feeling now, just thinking about it. I mean after you search for something, hundreds of links are returned - and somehow that person clicked this site's search result!

It reminds me of the time the viking mistresses blog got hits because they put some rather strange pictures and topics up as their posts. They got lots of hits with those things! Go have a search if you really want to.... :)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Just get home

This is one crazy doctor.

I took a different route home today. A totally different route.

It was because I was at Lygon street having some cake for L's bday, and there were so many different roads I could have taken to get home. Dr Kawashima said it's good for your brain to take a different route driving home.

Who is Dr Kawashima? He's the Dr on the Nintendo DS Brain Training of course! And you're probably wondering why I'm taking directions from a doctor in a computer, ah? Well I thought it would be interesting... and there definitely some crazy conditions.

Traveling down roads I normally don't go on makes me a tad nervous. After all I don't usually drive on them, and are not well acquainted with which lanes are best. There was this one section which was quite confusing.

This road was 60 km/h. But only from 7PM to 3AM. And only from Wednesday to Sunday.

I sat there for a while, quite distracted as I was floating down the road. What time is it? What day was it? And am I still going 60?!!?!

I seriously must have zoned out for a bit thinking about whether I was doing the right thing - which was actually quite bad! I wasn't concentrating on the road!

I finally managed to bundle myself home, over stimulated by all the new surroundings I passed. Dr Kawashima was right. It does stimulate you. Too much..

And to top it off, I have some frozen tripe taped to my right foot because someone stepped on it today. Gotta love icy-cold beef intestines to soothe those aches and pains...

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Green Run

Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Just couldn't fit

Crazy traffic this morning. Backed up for hundreds of metres. I was wondering why everyone suddenly decided to take MY route to work this morning, until i read this article on the age.

Notable quotes are:
An oversized truck ripped out electrical cables and overhead signs the length of the Burnley tunnel this morning, forcing the closure of two lanes and major delays to peak hour city traffic.

The truck's load damaged 14 overhead safety signs as the driver continued through the tunnel just after 6am, CityLink spokesman Craig Little said.

Mr Little said a warning bar outside the tunnel should have alerted the truck driver to the height specifications.

Reminds of the shirts I ordered from the US that just got delivered yesterday. Wayyyy to small. I tried them on last night, hoping they'd fit. I ordered the size Small, thinking that because everything in the U.S. was bigger, perhaps this would actually be too big for me.

Wrong. Too small! They're small shirts are much smaller than small shirts here in Aussie land. I'm gonna have to order some more in because the designs on them are just too cool not to try and order again.

I'm just glad I didn't smack anyone's face or take down any signs trying to sqeeze into the shirts. :)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Bike Rack

No one ever puts their bikes here. Who'd want to.
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


In all my time playing basketball I never got smacked in the nose.

But today playing indoor soccer someone smacked it so hard, I got a nose bleed.

Why, when playing a game with feet, does someone's arm give me a facial injury, but not when people's arms are swinging with an even larger ball.

I'll let you think about that for a bit.

And I'll leave the ice on my face in the meanwhile...

Monday, January 08, 2007

That's balls.

All humanity is passion; without passion, religion, history, novels, art would be ineffectual.
— Honore de Balzac

For one, if this guy lived in this day and age, he would absolutely not live down his last name of ball sack! Imagine all the jokes they'd come up in order to rile this guy... this is the top 10 7 I could think of at this moment:

7. (While at the tennis) "Is being a ball boy natural to you, or did you have to work at it?"
6. "Would you actually play soccer with all the kicking that goes on..."
5. "Psst, do you reckon this guy is kind of, nuts?"
4. "Buddy, slapped any turkeys before?" (I sarcastically thank Big Brother for this one....)
3. "Would you sleep on a hammock, or would that be too much like underwear?"
2. "Aren't you glad your parents didn't call you Harry?"

...drum roll please....

1. "How's it hanging?"

Tada. My lame attempt at creating some humour ...sorry de Balzac. Won't do it again. I'll stop being so testy next time ;)

But seriously. To be effective, you have to be passionate about what you're doing. Without passion, do you think someone like Shane Warne could have made a effective fool of himself in front of all the media? Without passion, I'm not sure Brett Lee could have done a video clip in India like this (nice one btw!). Without passion, someone like Ronaldinho would not be where he is today.

Passion can be described as boundless enthusiasm and Ronaldinho definitely has that. He plays the real football (or "sah-kur") with a smile, he loves what he does, and he worked very hard to come out from all the players from Brazil and the world, to be one of the best in the world at a younger age than most. I have a shirt with his name and number on the back (thanks for the present guys!) and sometimes I hope that some of his passion would rub off on me when I play on the pitch.

Unfortunately the closest thing I get is someone throwing passionfruit at me. And boy does that hurt. But they taste good though. Hmm... Passiona is a fantastic fizzy drink...

Without passion, we'd be without this lovely drink by Cadbury-Schweppes, we'd be without Ronaldinho, and there'd definitely be no singing in hindi by an Aussie fast bowler. Without passion, you might as well be balls up.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ah Chew

TV is chewing gum for the eyes.
— Frank Lloyd Wright

Have you ever been in an elevator, and touched a chewie that's been stuck behind those hand rail things? It's quite disgusting. It's also quite surprising that it happens a lot at work!

I know my work building has plenty of elevators, but for people to still do something like that is pretty low. So low that they should be shot. Not just ordinary rifles with bullets. Maybe a gun with used chewies that's still got fresh saliva on it.

Muwahhahaha. *laughs in an evil manner*

I've felt those chewing gums a few times, and I go straight to the toilet to wash off the icky feeling that it leaves me. But does television give me the same feeling after I watch it?

I'd be lying if I said it didn't give me that icky feeling watching some shows. I'm not a big fan of the Big Brother TV shows. It definitely doesn't do George Orwell's book 1984 any justice. I know they reference it because "Big Brother" was the entity that could see everything you're doing - and if the George Orwell Big Brother was the TV Big Brother, oh boy, I think that show would be more like a boot camp instead of what it is now.

The whole year level read the book 1984 back when I was in year 10. We also watched a film adaptation of the book, and it was more dark and macabre than flaunty and voyeuristic. The film wanted to teach you something, whereas it's small screen counterpart wanted you to SMS away and make them rich!

But chewing gum isn't something that you'd want to fill you up is it? If that was the case, I'd bring a pack with me and it'd last me the week! I could microwave the chewing gum and it would be nice and melty, and instead of cheese on toast - chewie on toast! Yum yum. Much better than I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Butter. I wonder if they'd make chewing gum with a Chicken Parmigiana flavour... Would it be as tasty and nutritious for you? o_O

I bet watching shows like Desperate Housewives and The OC doesn't exactly doesn't fill your brain with mind expanding knowledge. You know... hypothetically... if I were to watch the OC, it would probably be just for a hit of Rachel Bilson :)

Chewies are there to chew when you're bored. You can also watch TV when you're bored. There are probably many things you can also do when you're bored - like read, or knit, or play pranks on your unsuspecting workmates with chewing gum. (And if you're reading, sorry about the chair boss!)

Even dentists also say that chewing gum is good for you. Just don't go to the optometrist. And That old female tennis player Liz Smiley says chewing Extra is good for you. Do you think they actually meant something when they hired someone with a last name SMILEY for something related to your mouth, haha! Crazy advertisers...

And if TV is actually like chewing gum - my advice is probably not to watch too much of it... it might send you running to the toilet!

....because chewies have a laxative effect! (for the slow people...)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Quotes of the day

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.
Jorge Luis Borges

It's January 6th now, but the above quote of the day from was from January 5th, the blame should fall on good old time difference. Crazy western hemisphere.

The idea I have now is to start blogging from quotes, as I seem to have lost the ability to do interesting things in order to write a blog entry. But in the end am I doing something in order to post on my blog? Or am I writing in my blog because I've done something interesting? Hmm. I digress. That should be covered with another entry. Perhaps a more exhaustive entry - but now this entry is beginning to look like one isn't it!

SOooo.... Library... why would paradise be like a library? There'd be so many books, many of which are uninteresting. However, some books would turn my head -books like graphic novels.

But some people don't call graphic novels books. They call them comics. True, they are in a form of a comic - there are text, and pictures. But since when did books just have to be words? Is it so wrong to have a story that you can also see the action to? I don't think it is.

In some respects, comics and graphic novels are much, much harder to produce than ordinary novels. Many people are involved in the story telling, the writer, the inker, the colorist. All these can also be one person - one VERY talented person perhaps. And just because there are many aspects to comics/graphic novels doesn't mean they are all good.

There are some bad graphic novels out there. Yep. One that are too focused on the art lose the story line. And there are ones that are almost like a "regular" novel but still have a bad story line! Story line is the key, I say. Without it, nothing you pick up, read, watch, or listen to will be of any interest.

When I do read comics and graphic novels, it's the superhero ones I read. It's a nice way to remove yourself from reality. I do understand that flying around in tights could perhaps be frowned upon by some, but the fact is people don't fly. If I wanted to fly, I'd buy those plane tickets that Virgin Blue Airline keep sending me ads for. But seriously, I don't have a need to go to Darwin, even if it only costs me 49 dollars guys, so QUIT IT. There is someone I know who would jump at the chance to take that trip, but if you're not sending it to them, then that marketing department is doing a crapola job.

Speaking of jobs, I haven't been to my job for a good two weeks now. I've been cleaning my room while I was on leave and the funniest thing happened. While re-arranging my room, I had to clear the bookshelf in order to move it. And when I grabbed my old Database 1 book, waved it around and said that "This would probably get 5 bucks on eBay right?", The pages split open to reveal 2 $50 notes! Money! And I didn't even know about it! I must have put it there a long time ago during uni...

Man that would be paradise wouldn't it? If every book in that library had a hundred smackeroos. We could go to the comic book shop and buy all the graphic novels they have :)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy Birthday to ...

Happy Birthday to ... Kate Bosworth!

Kate's a total babe isn't she, and she even starred in Superman Returns with good old Superman. Also pulls off the brunette look really well too, ah?

So everyone give 3 cheers to 24 year old Kate, and cheer also for another certain someone who turns 23 today... :)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Double oh seven

Yes yes, a new calendar year. It's here now.



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