Saturday, August 27, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Posted by
10:08 am
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Funny haha
There was a young man of Milan
Whose poems, they never would scan;
When asked why it was,
He said, `It's because
I always try to get as many words into the last line as I possibly can'.
Well I cracked up when I saw this on a tutorial site for a command line based editor for Unix Operating Systems called vi, for those who don't know. And for those who really have no idea what I'm on about, I've just been manually replacing things on a test based system without the use of a mouse! It's not fun I can tell you that!
So coming across this I absolutely cacked it, which probably shows the state of mind that I am currently in.
Circle appropriateLong live limericks!
a) needs to get out
b) nuts
c) insane
d) beyond psychiatric help
I absolutely love limericks! :) I think they are very clever, quirkly little things because they fit inside a specified pattern, easy to come up with, but hard to create intelligent and witty lines also!
So go on, come up with one on any topic at all and post it as a comment!
Touché ;)
Posted by
11:27 am
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Old MacDonald had a...
What’s wrong with driving to work and listening to the radio? It’s when you’re trying to find a radio station with a cheapo device that only has reset and search forward buttons, that’s what! I think something (possibly the overworked cheapo radio) is trying to tell me to get off my lazy bum and get back on it to think of a way to install an actual radio for the car!
The car that I’m driving to work has had it’s old radio nicked by some druggie who broke in and took the speakers and everything :( but that was ages ago, so the car’s been without auditory usefulness for quite sometime. So I’m stuck with this radio shaped like cute little chicken with a massive pole stuck through its skull. It’s looks quite cute, yet freaky and it probably attributes to why people in other cars look at me strangely as I pass them by holding up a yellowish object screaming at it TO STICK TO THE SAME FRIGGIN' RADIO STATION YOU #$@&*^$@!$! ARGHAHGRH!
Every time some truck passes by it gets confused and changes stations. Every time you pass a house somewhat closer to the road than others, it gets confused and changes stations. Every time you shuffle in your seat it gets confused and puts you to some Italian SBS culture radio station where you can some how tell that they’re talking about the latest break up of some non English speaking stars on the other side of the globe. And I do think Matteo Marzotto is much better with Vanessa Incontrada, thank you very much.
But I don’t want that! It’s driving me (hehe, driving) insane!
Come on you must have laughed at that driving pun because driving to work is fun! (It’s the attack of the lame puns… somebody shoot me)
Can’t you see what it’s turning me into! Deep breaths, 1… 2… 3… Hmmm…
Well I’ll enjoy more of my ride when I do finally manage put a radio into the car. I think there’s one lying around the house somewhere. From my recollection I think it blew up the last time we tried to put it in, and it didn’t end up working. But that has to work this time right? And if it doesn’t work then maybe I’ll just stick the antenna through it and shape it like another farm animal.
Maybe a pig or something ;)
Posted by
9:05 am
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
My attempt at tissue engineering.
Yes, sad I know. And yes, it's made out of a tissue. Punch me the next time you see me. But not so hard ok? I was trying to cheer up Ally all the way across the other side of the world in summery old London town, compared to the 10 degrees C here in Melb! Friggin' just snow will ya! Otherwise the coldness was just a waste of time!
As you can see, it's that big bad blue book there that I'd trying to get away from, but I can't quite get away far enough. Not even if I myself was on the other side of the world too.
Posted by
8:36 pm
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
What jashman does when he doesn't study.
So while I was busily procrastinating on the weekend, it occured to me that I could waste my time by experimenting installing and running Mac OS X on my Windows XP, AMD 1700 box. What does this mean you say? How will this affect the slightly exciting, yet mundane life you lead? Why is jashman doing something like this? Why isn't he doing his certification study? Why are the office girls more attractive because you just can't have them?
Well the answers won't be found here I'm afraid. The only answer you'll get here is the answer to those 1st and 3rd questions, and incidentally the 4th. It means that I can run the operating system on Apple computers, on the Windows, and jashman is doing this because it's kinda geeky, and because he can. Muwahahha. And how did it turn out you ask? Yes I can hear you. And no, I really can't hear you if you just asked yourself that.
I did end up installing it correctly after 5 days of reading useless information and trial and error, but I finally did it. The 4-5 hour installation time was starting to get on my nerves. The elusive goal, elusive yet again. So I called my sister at around 4PM to kick off the process, so I hoped that when I got home it would be done. But alas, it was still going, installing Mac OS in Finnish, and Italian, and Chinese, and Dutch, and some other language I won't be able to read but installed it anyway in case some quarter-Finnish/quarter-Italian/quarter-Chinese/quarter-Dutch good looking girly geek just happens to knock on my door and profess their undying attraction to guys who install Mac on top of Windows.
Aaaaaanyway... after working out my issues with strange multi-racial background people knocking on my door, I saw a glimpse of that beatiful blue background that it has. The lovely gel icons that you eat like those starburst lollies. The whole sleekness of the interface it could just slide off the monitor. Ooh yeh, I'd finally done it.
It was running. Running slow, but running nonetheless. Non-functional but it looks good.
But then we all like things because they look good right? Even though they don't actually do anything.
I have been deciding whether to get a Mac Mini. I'd really like to get one and they're fairly cheap and provide most of the functionality you get on the higher spec Macs. Do get, or not to get; that is the question. Hmmm...
Posted by
10:26 pm
Is it just me or is The Age getting a bit raunchy? Looking at it this lunch time I came upon this front page on the web:
And of course consistent with Murphy's law, a more senior member of my work team just happens to walk behind me while the page wasn't fully loaded, yet somehow, that picture of the woman just happened to load FIRST.
Ah bugger.
Posted by
1:38 pm
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Well I've had a lack of it in the past couple of weeks so I hope these photographs could reflect what I've been feeling for the time being. I was planning on doing some sort of funny audio/mp3 thing to put up here, but then I got busy and it just looked harder to do it properly.
Oh yeh and I've still gotta put more pics up on but the latest one is Ken's bday, so go check 'em out.
Posted by
6:33 pm
It just sits on the window sill and long gone are the days of playing hacky sack at the steps of Melbourne High School, but the memories still remain.
Posted by
6:29 pm
Happy sittin' here
Posted by
6:25 pm