Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I love cherry ripe. I'm about to finish one off right now.

They had soem of those fundraiser things in the kitchen, and I reckon if there was an endless amount of $2 coins in my drawer, I'd eat them all. And get all fat.

That's all you can do here at work - eat at your desk. It helps ease the pain of actually doing work, and keeps me happy ;)

Better check if all these 5c coins add up to another bar of cherry ripe...


Anonymous said...

Those $3 fundraising box of Maltesers or Snickers will last you longer! hehe

jashman said...

only $3 up there? it's like $4 here!

so expensive!

Miss L said...

It's been ages since i've had fundraiser choc... oh the memories.


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