Monday, January 02, 2006


Someone's twenty-two.
I wonder who.
Do you have a clue?
He likes red but also the colour blue.
He supposedly lives where the cows go moo.
Last year he didn't get the flu.
He's got a car that's fairly new.
And on it, the birds thought they'd poo.
He didn't know what to do.
So he thought he'd get rid of it with his shoe.
It didn't quite work, so boo hoo... *sob*
Do you need a reminder or a cue?
I know who it is, do you know too?


Anonymous said...

Someone's twenty-two
i know who.
i went to his place and he served cashew.
he likes bbq.
when the birds saw him coming, they all flew.
he shudve cleaned the poo with the morning dew.
he even has a boxing kangaroo!!!
he writes like a guru.
i tried really hard to get his interview.
his desk at work has a balcony view.
i beat him in foosball...yoo-hoo!! hehe
his name is jash, how-do-u-do?
don't tell me in the pic it's U.
tell me who i am...a riddle for i brew

Miss L said...

Definitely a children's book in the making.

jashman said...

I could make volumes of them.


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