Friday, December 09, 2005

On the inside

There are times when there is beauty inside, and not just out.
Don't waste the opportunity. Take it and never let it go

I caught an interesting angle of this flower while I was strolling through the park in Hawthorn at uni. And if I was smart enough I'd know the latin name for it, but I'm not.

Maybe my year 11-12 biology teacher might know, but he might better know the waste by products of certain animals since he explained about how he purchased a shirt with pictures and names of the animals that made them. Hehe. Go figure.


Anonymous said...

hey jashman I like your photos.
I only just jumped on digital photo printing wagon this week. I used Camera House's online service, and the prints came back really good. Still love film prints better though.

jashman said...

thank you, and thanks for stopping by again :)

i stop by the intint blog also, you have a great way of linking present events with your earlier years, and i always love to reminisce about those days long ago.

I'd also agree that film prints are superior, but I come from a technology background so I'll show my bias and say that digital is the way to go :) it works better for me as I know how to get around the computer better than the dark rooms!


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