Monday, November 14, 2005

Warm and fuzzy

Chocolate Suckao at Max Brenners

If you're part of the female persuasion then there is a good possiblity that chocolate is a good friend of yours. Trying not to sound like a plug for Max Brenners, that place is one of the best places to go and eat chocolate. Chocolate there comes hot, cold, liquid, solid, milk, white, dark, and in several other nationalities.

Located near Chilli Padi on the Elizabeth St, Lt Lonsdale St end of Melbourne Central.


Anonymous said...

oh yum yum in my tum. hmm...chocolate...hmmm...more guys should change their name to max brenner...think of all the connotations that could come with that name!

jashman said...

Yes, many many connotations! Silly Ally... ;)

I've got this chocolate man at home I got as a present, maybe I'll call him Max Brenner and you can connotate him all you like.

Anonymous said...

yum yum ;)


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