Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My attempt at tissue engineering.

Yes, sad I know. And yes, it's made out of a tissue. Punch me the next time you see me. But not so hard ok? I was trying to cheer up Ally all the way across the other side of the world in summery old London town, compared to the 10 degrees C here in Melb! Friggin' just snow will ya! Otherwise the coldness was just a waste of time!

As you can see, it's that big bad blue book there that I'd trying to get away from, but I can't quite get away far enough. Not even if I myself was on the other side of the world too.


Anonymous said...

Wow...I'm quite impressed. You're excelling at tissue engineering!!! way better than me :)Can u engineer me a new brain? or perhaps a lung for my research project? hehe

jashman said...

yes! of course! it would probably just melt in one's skull or abdomen... but at least it will help you if you happen to go to the loo!

jashman said...

ah what am i talking about! lungs are in the thoracic cavity, not the abdomen, silly me!

Anonymous said...

Okies, that's it! I'm going home to practice this new 'tissue engineering'. I'm quite intrigued. lol...but perhaps won't be putting it into any body cavities :P

jashman said...

I could help you, for a fee :)

hehe, nah just gimme a buzz when I'm on MSN.


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