Thursday, August 18, 2005

Funny haha

There was a young man of Milan
Whose poems, they never would scan;
When asked why it was,
He said, `It's because
I always try to get as many words into the last line as I possibly can'.

Well I cracked up when I saw this on a tutorial site for a command line based editor for Unix Operating Systems called vi, for those who don't know. And for those who really have no idea what I'm on about, I've just been manually replacing things on a test based system without the use of a mouse! It's not fun I can tell you that!

So coming across this I absolutely cacked it, which probably shows the state of mind that I am currently in.

Circle appropriate
a) needs to get out
b) nuts
c) insane
d) beyond psychiatric help
Long live limericks!

I absolutely love limericks! :) I think they are very clever, quirkly little things because they fit inside a specified pattern, easy to come up with, but hard to create intelligent and witty lines also!

So go on, come up with one on any topic at all and post it as a comment!

Touché ;)

1 comment:

jashman said...

Jashman was going insane,
so much that he needs a new brain,
He went to the shops,
at 5 bucks a pop,
and replaced it without any pain.


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