Sunday, May 28, 2006

Ai Who?

While you're on the 'net... check out
Ai Hui - Find youself lost

Listen to the sample tracks and the lyrics of her up and coming album. And if you like it - rock up to her gig on June 24th.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Over the fence.

Don't you hate it when the ball goes over the fence. It's so much trouble trying to get it again. You gotta explain to the neighbours that you're quite a crap soccer player, and that somehow your friends ball was kicked into their yard all the way from down the street.

It's even worse when you're kicking the ball over the fence at Melbourne Uni hockey pitch - because that fence is like 20 feet tall. You have to run after it with shame as everyone points and laughs at you.

Ah, the troubles of a wannabe...

Monday, May 08, 2006


I thought a flower might brighten up your day.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Guns and violins

If you didn't quite get the pun of the heading, it was supposed to sound like guns and "violence", but yes, lame Jash strikes again...

I had the strangest inkling on Sunday morning to play the trumpet all of a sudden. It was like I had dreamed of becoming a great trumpeter guy, but I hadn't, and was awake. Most of my inklings go away - like the one I had about pilot, and flying all over the world to have hot stewardesses give me that scrumptious airplane food, and the one about becoming a doctor so that I can have a Dr. as my title. Chicks dig that you know.

Well this trumpet thing hasn't gone away, it's nearly a week later, and I still find myself figuring out a way to get hold of one, and to play it and play it well. The next James Morrison could be me - you never know. But as I searched the Internet on resources on how to play the trumpet, it suddenly dawned on me that this learning to play the trumpet wasn't an easy task - just like that pilot and doctor thing.

All these references about using your lips and pushing wind from your belly was sounding daunting. I haven't let my lips loose yet on all those lovely ladies, yet I found that this challenge of letting it loose on an unsuspecting trumpet quite strange. The fascination of playing this instrument still isn't receding!

For years (not so many years actually) I've been playing the clarinet, and even though I'm still crap at it (yes, self deprecation is a wonderful thing) I thought trying something else out might be refreshing. And a brand spanking new red trumpet might be the thing.

I could also try to play the french horn, but you know what they say about people who play french horn...


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