Sunday, November 18, 2007


It's evil. It's bad. It definitely is not my friend.

Boo. Hiss.

Just as I was writing on this post I searched for CD/DVD burning software that is free for me to install on my machine when I basically didn't need to at the moment.

How does one fix this?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

More boredom

Go to, it's good.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Monday, May 28, 2007

If cats could talk

Well, when I'm bored, I put ROFLBOT and Google Images together. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Awkward Keyboard Moment Of The Week

More like incredibly yuck keyboard ever!

I was at the Knox building for work when I came across this ancient piece of technology. Perhaps the person that was using this was so ancient that they somehow passed away on this keyboard and their decaying remains made a mark that can never be removed...


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Fly away

Argh. I really, REALLY don't like flying. I don't even understand how people can fly to places like the USA and Europe. Those places on the planet are more than 15 hours away from Australia. Manila is only 7-8 hours away and I'm hopeless at NOT getting dizzy on a plane.

Anyway here's the plane to blame.

I thought I could make it the whole way without feeling like my head was going to implode while my stomach was going to explode, but in the last 2 hours of the trip I started to lose it.

I'll post more images as they come, but the pre-broadband speeds here are beginning to irritate me!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

3 bars

Is 3 bars of reception on a Samsung phone really that bad? Since I've moved up to my desk on level 7 again, I just realised what a black hole it is for phone reception. I walk 1 metre to find myself frustrated, and walk another metre back the other way to find that it's fine!

But perhaps it's because I have a new phone. It's nice and sleek, but the fab feature of the phone is its 3 megapixel camera that actually isn't too bad... I've been playing around with it during the past week, and this is what I've been able to come up with (after some very simple touch ups on Picasa2 of course...)

Silhouette of Cow Up a Tree.

The East face of the NAB docklands building.

Melbourne Central Shot Tower and Cone Roof.



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